My Food work

Below you’ll find my work at the intersection of comedy and food.

Comedy Food Videos

I’m constantly experimenting with ways to educate people about cooking. Below are two comedy cooking videos I made as birthday presents to friends, featuring some wacky and lovable characters, key cooking lessons, and of course, some dank food, as well as a video I made with Thrillist using comedy to teach people how to make cheese.

Cheese Education With MUNCHIES

The first picture is a link (click it!) to my comedic, education cheese column with MUNCHIES, and the next two are VICE Instagram stories where I teach people about cheese.

Comedic Food Instagram

A link to my comedic cooking Instagram, an interactive flip-book story, and a post that highlights the voice I use to explore and talk about food. Click them ALL!!!


A link to my comedic yelp profile (click it!), a live showcase performance where I use characters to teach people how to make pickles, and a video of me dressed as a chef, saying “molto bene.”